
Supportive community is essential to recovering from the trauma of forced displacement. The community support of Jonathan House is powered through people like you!

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Fellowship: Start here! Join our mailing list for come-as-you-can invitations to community meals, recreational outings, and group volunteer events.
  • Befriend a Resident: We all have a need for human connection. If there’s a good fit, you’ll be matched with a resident according to shared interest and availability.
  • Help a Resident with Practical needs: Support an asylum-seeking neighbor in practical ways, such as driving them to appointments, helping them get connected to community resources, helping them practice English, learn to drive, or search for a job
  • Provide Legal Help: Lawyers willing to provide free legal representation are greatly needed and appreciated!
  • Organize a Supply Drive: Great for churches and groups! Gather supplies needed to support the daily life of asylum-seeking neighbors.
  • Help with Communications: An all-remote opportunity! Help the Jonathan House team with social media, blog posts, graphic design, web design, and/or managing mailing lists. 
  • Plan Events: Bring your party hat and help us plan and execute community-building events, including community meals, birthday parties, and/or recreational outings. 
  • Fundraise: An all-remote opportunity! Help us grow and maintain the ministry of Jonathan House through grant-writing, planning fundraising events, or helping us with fundraising campaigns.
  • Maintain Property: Help us keep the shelter that is Jonathan House safe, stable, and lovely by contributing your fix-em skills. 


To volunteer, please complete the Volunteer Application. (The link will take you both to a Volunteer Information page and then to a Volunteer Agreement, which we ask you to carefully read and sign before submitting.)

Register for Jonathan House Fundamentals Volunteer Training March 20th 5-9pm

Register for Jonathan House Trauma Care Volunteer Training April 15th 6:30-8pm